The HK Prize Nominees

The Hong Kong Prize recognizes scientific research with significant global impact and is open to researchers from any discipline worldwide, selected through a transparent peer review process that excludes sponsorship or special committee influences. The winner receives cash prize, certificate, and trophy – and has the opportunity to attend HKGNA Masterclasses and concert events hosted by HKGNA as part of their prize. Selected applicants who didn’t pass semi-final but still show great promise or potential will also receive an Honorable Mention certificate.

This prize was established to honour George B. Endacott, who made major strides towards rebuilding The University of Hong Kong Department of History after World War II. It aims to promote research into Hong Kong history – an area not considered respectable during that era.

On Friday, nominations for this year’s HK Prize, to be awarded on July 31, were released and highlighted activists fighting for freedom and democracy. Many of those nominated had been arrested or faced lengthy prison terms but continued working towards their cause, such as an exiled pro-democracy leader and founder of a charity providing shelter to refugees.

Another nominee is a civil rights attorney who has dedicated themselves to upholding Hong Kongers’ freedom of speech and living safely and securely. They work tirelessly on behalf of migrants and the poor to win legal cases and increase transparency within government and corporate funding schemes.

Other nominees for the prize are activists and community workers dedicated to social justice. They have worked for those most in need – such as homeless and elderly individuals, as well as providing mental health services – including fighting for their rights, providing mental health services, campaigning against land-use policies that negatively affect local communities, helping victims of sexual assault, campaigning against land use policies that negatively affect them and more. The prize will be presented in October.

Hong Kong’s standing as an exemplary center of green technology was further strengthened last week when its Green Regeneration Team won top honors at Apec Science Prize for Innovation, Research, and Education (Aspire). The PS1.2 million prize will help support their pioneering process to convert sewage sludge into methane feedstock for power generation.

The winner will be awarded with a cash prize of HK$2,000,000, certificate, and trophy. They will be selected by an expert panel comprised of industry specialists as well as academic representatives – see the HK Prize Rules and Regulations for details regarding each category’s judging criteria.

The Hong Kong Prize, an annual award presented by Hong Kong Alliance of Technology and Innovation (a non-profit established in 2012), honors individuals or teams that have made outstanding contributions to Hong Kong’s scientific and technological innovation. Awards are split among five categories: Artificial intelligence / robotics; life / health; new materials/energy/advanced manufacturing/FinTech with no more than five persons/teams nominated per award category.